Offener Brief an den IFBB | Body-Xtreme 

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Offener Brief an den IFBB

Unsere Antwort vom IFBB Headquater

Vor kurzem hatten wir aufgrund einer Diskussion im Forum rund um die Ergebnisse der M?nner WM in Moskau die IFBB um Stellungnahme gebeten ( siehe hier ). Wir erhielten nun prompt Antwort:

Dear Mr. La Mely,

Our Use of WADA Accredited Laboratory policy is quite clear. If there is no WADA accredited laboratory in the country in which the competition is being held, the IFBB reserves the right to use whichever WADA accredited laboratory it so chooses. Obviously, with IFBB Headquarters in Montreal, it oftentimes (but not always) uses the WADA accredited laboratory in Montreal.

The 58th Men's World Amateur Bodybuilding Championships were held in Moscow, Russia. There is a WADA accredited laboratory in Moscow, Russia. For proof of this, please go to and click on "Accredited Laboratories" (upper left-hand corner).

The WADA accredited laboratory in Moscow issued a Certificate of Analysis covering all samples that were tested (top 5 finalists in 7 categories. Pursuant to the IFBB Anti-Doping Program, the WADA Code, the International Court of Arbitration for Sport, and every other anti-doping organization in the world, "a Certificate of Analysis from a WADA accredited laboratory shall be considered prima facie (taken at face value) evidence of the test result and shall be proof of the statements contained in the Certificate".

These are the facts. The statements expressed by you and/or your readers are not supported by the facts.


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